Software Development

Williamson's IT Services also include the custom design of software, specifically tailored to meet your needs. Most projects developed by us are designed to run in Microsoft Access, although stand-alone programs are certainly a possibility.

Recent projects for clients have included:

    ¤ Software to allow a building inspector to track all aspects of his inspections

    ¤ Payroll tracking with tax calculation

    ¤ Charitable Receipts

    ¤ Auction tracking that organizes all facets of the school's fundraising project

    ¤ Church finance and expenses tracking

    ¤ Library

If you are in need of customized software running in the Microsoft Access environment, please do not hesitate to contact us for a quote.

Some screen shots of previous projects:

This program was designed to interface with an existing database, allowing bidders to check the progress of their bidding (a fundraiser event) Auction Screen
This software allowed a local building inspector to track his inspection items, and generate detailed reports. Building Inspector Screen
This package is used by several charities in the province to track and report on their charitable receipts. Charitable Receipts Tracker
This financial package is being utilized by several churches in the province to track their donations and expenses. Church Finance Trcking Software
A very simple metronome. Metronome Software
A recipe tracker I use because I found that much of the software online was bloated, full of spyware or delivered too many ads. Recipe Tracking Software
A worship music tracking package I wrote to help churches build their worship sets. Worship Tracking Software